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How to Speed up Your Insurance Claim

By admin
July 07, 2014 | 3 min read
A young man who was just involved in a car crash makes a phone call while looking in despair for how to speed up an auto-insurance claim.

You’ve finally settled into a familiar and comfortable lifestyle routine and the last thing you need is any snags that interrupt your life to make it uncomfortable. Then, the unthinkable happens, you get into an accident and your car is no longer in driving condition. This is the ultimate hitch in your daily routine. Luckily, you have a reliable auto insurance company behind you. Just how do you speed up the insurance claims process to get back to your normal life as soon as possible though?

Gather Information

The critical part of making the insurance claims process run smoothly starts at the scene of the accident. The information you’ll need to get from the other involved parties are:

• Names, phone numbers, addresses and e-mail address of all occupants, including the number of passengers in the involved cars
• Names, phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses of all potential witnesses
• Exact location of the accident (intersection, address, or exit number)
• Insurance information, including Insurance Company name, policy number and phone number
• If any emergency services respond at the scene, get the police department, police report number, phone number, officer name, badge number, ambulance company or fire department

Take Pictures

Another thing that many people forget to do is take pictures of the accident. Having these pictures could help reduce the amount of time that it takes to process a claim. The insurance company will have a reduced amount of work to do. It is recommended that you take pictures of the following:

• Pictures of both or all cars involved in the accident; making sure to document all damages caused by the accident
• The scene of the accident
• The other drivers’ auto insurance card(s)

Be sure to get the sharpest photos and good lighting if possible. Clearer photos help the auto insurance company figure out the claims quicker, too.

Some auto insurance companies even offer their policyholders the option of downloading a Smartphone App that will allow them to upload this information. This option also helps speed up the insurance claims process, since the necessary information is all there in your account when you use the provided app.

Work With Your Insurance Adjuster to Speed Up the Claims Process

It is important to work with your auto insurance adjuster and follow instructions the best that you can. If they ask you for financial information, to bring the car to a recommended collision center, or for photos, it is in your best interest to comply as soon as possible. Any delays in the auto insurance company getting the requested information are also delays in getting your insurance claims processed.

When you get your auto insurance policy, be sure to talk to your insurance agent about the claims process. Find out if there is a specific way that the company processes insurance claims and what you need to keep in mind to be sure the process will be as quick as possible. When you’re prepared, you’ll have peace of mind if an accident occurs. Get the following information and you’ll be on your way to getting back into your normal routine.

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Luciana Barrera