Few things are more frightening than finding your home has been broken into and your personal space violated. While a home can never be 100 percent secure, there are several things that can be done to deter burglaries. The following are five steps to take to protect your home from break-ins and burglaries.
1. Keep Your Home Well Lit
Both outside and inside lighting is important when it comes to keeping a home burglar-proof. Make sure back doors and porches are well lit, and provide adequate lighting for a main entrance. Outdoor motion lights can deter crime, as a light suddenly coming on can startle a would-be burglar. Also, make sure your home appears “lived in” even when you’re out of town. Leave one or two lights on inside the home, or install a timer that turns lights on when the house is empty.
2. Reinforce All Entry Points
According to the Insurance Information Institute, it is important to “case” your home just as a potential burglar would. Check whether any areas are easy to enter and reinforce them. Basic security devices such as padlocks, grates and window locks can make it more difficult for an intruder to break in. Deadbolt locks are almost universally recommended for doors. Install high-quality locks that can’t easily be tampered with and compromised. Anything that will make breaking into your home more time-consuming is almost certain to deter a burglar.
3. Discreetly Dispose of Boxes for Expensive Items
Leaving boxes on the curb that advertise the recent purchase of an expensive item is asking for trouble. Boxes for big screen televisions, computers and other types of electronics should be broken apart and securely covered inside of trash cans. If possible, it is better to take trash out to the curb shortly before trash pickup is scheduled. Taking out items the night before provides an opportunity for thieves to go through the trash under the cover of darkness.
4. Keep Curtains and Blinds Closed
Many break-ins are simply crimes of opportunity. Individuals scouring a neighborhood can easily see what items are inside of a home if the curtains are left open. This is particularly true for homes that are close to the road or a sidewalk. A thief can easily take inventory of a home’s internal layout just by walking by a few times. Adjust blinds to let a certain amount of light in while still making it extremely difficult for someone on the outside to see in.
5. Make Sure Trees and Bushes Are Trimmed
Bushes and shrubs that have grown several feet in height provide ideal hiding places for burglars. Bankrate suggests keeping all shrubs, bushes and trees trimmed enough that every porch, door and window can be easily seen by neighbors and anyone passing by. There are other landscaping techniques that can keep a home from becoming an easy target. Bushes and plants with thorns make it difficult for burglars to hide behind. Decorating with stones or gravel beneath windows instead of mulch will make it easier to hear footsteps outside.
While these tips will help decrease break-ins and discourage attempts at burglary, it’s still a good idea to have the belongings in your home insured. Freeway Insurance can provide renters insurance and homeowners insurance quotes along with all kinds of types of insurance that will fit your needs and your budget. Contact us at (800) 777-5620 to save big on quality protection.