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If You Have a Pool, Do You Need Extra Liability Insurance?

By admin
August 26, 2014 | 3 min read
A California-style mansion with a pool to illustrate how if you have a pool you need extra liability insurance

Pool safety is a major concern for homeowners that have a pool and young children. Homeowners insurance already includes a portion called liability protection which covers any accidents that occur on your property, which means it also covers any pool-related accidents. Home insurance typically includes liability coverage up to $100,000, but homes with pools tend to have an additional rate, raising the premium. Insurance companies see pools as an “attractive nuisance” because of the increased chances of injury or death related to pool accidents.

Many homeowners consider purchasing addition liability coverage if they have a pool, just in case a lawsuit arises from an accident. Having a pool increases the chances of injuries in the pool, slipping and falling on wet areas around the pool, or even drowning deaths. Owners should consider purchasing additional liability protection with their homeowners insurance policy – for an additional $200 to $300 dollars a year, you can have $1 million in liability coverage.

So, do you need to purchase pool insurance this summer, too? The answer is no, because there is no such insurance – it is already covered under your regular home insurance policy under the liability protection portion. Although, you should consider purchasing the umbrella liability policy which gives you the $1 million liability coverage; for the small price it’s great protection to have.

When building or purchasing a pool, find out what your town or city rules are. Some may require you to install fencing around the pool or have certain equipment. Having the homeowners insurance is just a safety net, but there are other steps to take so you can decrease your chances of needing to tap into that coverage.

1.    Don’t leave yours and anyone’s children unsupervised around the pool area, even for just a minute.
2.    Be sure that anyone allowed in the pool knows how to swim or is accompanied by a good swimmer that can rescue the person, in the case of drowning.
3.    Keep all electrical devices away from the pool
4.    Keep children away from suction devices, such as pool filters, as they can be injured or possibly prevent them from being able to swim to the surface.
5.    Pay attention to the weather when going swimming. Even though hot days are good for the pool, it can cause dizziness and loss of consciousness in the pool.
6.    Be careful of swimmers using the diving board. Be sure they know how deep the pool is before taking the plunge. If you have an above ground pool, it is best to not allow any diving into the pool.
7.    Don’t swim if you’re tired or let any other tired person swim in the pool.

Follow the above steps to best prevent pool-related injuries or drowning deaths. Also, prepare for any lawsuits or pool repair costs by knowing what your insurance policy covers in liability protection. Homeowners insurance is a must, whether you have a pool or not, and if you do have a pool, the premium will likely be higher for a better liability coverage. Talk to your insurance agent and find out what protection is right for your home.

Get a free homeowners insurance quote by calling Freeway Insurance at (800) 777-5620 to speak with an experienced agent. Freeway provides quality homeowners insurance at affordable rates. Call today to get started.

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Luciana Barrera