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3 Reasons You Need to Take a Motorcycle Safety Course This Summer

By admin
June 03, 2014 | 3 min read
A man riding a Motorcycle riding through motorcycle safety course to illustrate 3 reasons you need to take a motorcycle safety course.

Now that summer is on the horizon, many motorcycle enthusiasts are hitting the road for get-togethers, group riding sessions and rallies – which sadly means more motorcycle accidents. Consider these statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:

• Motorcyclists are 35 times more likely to experience a deadly accident than those in passenger cars.
• 11% of all roadway accidents in the U.S. involve motorcycles
• Head injury is the leading cause of death in motorcycle accidents
• A motorcyclists not wearing a helmet is 40% more likely to die of a head injury than one who wears a helmet
• Close to half of all motorcycle accidents don’t involve another vehicle. Instead, speeding was the main cause of the accident.

While riding a motorcycle can be dangerous, taking the proper precautions and wearing the appropriate gear can ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable motorcycle season. This is why it’s recommended that riders of all levels take a motorcycle safety course every couple of years before hitting the road. Why? Here are three great reasons on why even the most seasoned riders should take a motorcycle safety course:

1. Lowers Your Motorcycle Insurance Rates

Motorcycle insurance can be expensive. After looking over the statistics, it’s no surprise as to why. So, exactly how much is motorcycle insurance? Well, that depends on your driving record and where you live. But the good news is that most insurance companies offer discounts to motorcyclists who successfully complete a certified motorcycle safety course. Other common motorcycle insurance discounts can include multiple-policy, and safe driver discounts. Talk to your insurance agent to find out about any other discounts you can take advantage of.

2. You’re a New Motorcyclist, or You Want to Sharpen Your Skills

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation offers many courses to beginners, with a minimum of 5 hours of classroom instruction, followed by 10 hours of practical riding in an off-street environment. Don’t have a motorcycle yet? No worries! Motorcycles, which are donated by local dealers, are included in the course.

If you’re a seasoned rider who just needs a refresher, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation also has classes such as the “Advanced RiderCourse”, which teaches experienced drivers more in-depth riding techniques and safety. If you’re a rider who hasn’t rode a motorcycle in a long time and are looking to retake the test due to an expired license, then a basic skills course is highly recommended to get back in shape and pass the exam with flying colors.

3. It’s an Investment

Motorcycles aren’t cheap. So make sure you really want one, before you take the leap and buying one. If you’re a new rider, one of the best ways to see if motorcycling is really for you is by taking a motorcycle safety course. This is also a great way to test out different makes and models since motorcycles are provided for you and most motorcycle dealerships won’t let anyone test drive their bikes without a license. Before investing thousands of dollars in a motorcycle, you want to make sure you invest in the right bike for you.

With spring in full swing and summer just a few days away, lower your motorcycle insurance rates, and refresh your biker skills with a motorcycle safety course.

While you’re looking into motorcycle courses, you should also explore your motorcycle insurance options. Freeway Insurance can help you find affordable motorcycle insurance coverage for your ride. Your quote is free and it’s just minutes away—request a free motorcycle insurance quote online or over the phone at (800) 777-5620 to get started.

Ready to Get a Quick Quote?

Luciana Barrera